Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Black History Month

February marks Black History Month in Canada and the US.  It's a great time to talk to your kids about what history is and why we mark the history of a specific group at a specific time.

Some ideas to celebrate and educate.
~ Watch Black Like Me, Separate but Equal, The Rosa Parks Story or Guess Who's Coming to Dinner and discuss with your kids. Find more film suggestions here.
~ Celebrate scientific achievements of black inventors and scientists whose advancements brought us everything from peanut butter to blood banking.
~ Read together. Here's a great book list and a long list of other book lists to choose from.
~ If you have a group of kids you can try some of these activities:
Anti Racism activity using Dr Seuss's The Sneetches
Why Frogs and Snakes Never Play Together
~ Check your community for a gallery, musuem or concert venue which may be hosting an exhibition of some sort to honour Black History.
~ Use music, art and food to create a celebration of black culture and history.
~ Watch this Brainpop video about the impact of the Harlem Renaissance.

Teaching Tolerance Resources
History of Black History Month
Spririt of Greensboro
Time for Kids Black History Month Edition
Surfkids Black History resources

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